Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bob Barr, Libertarian?

There's a lot of talk now about Bob Barr as the presidential candidate for the libertarian party. Many articles in Google News indicate speculation that former Paulites will flock to Bob Barr as the "next Ron Paul." Being unfamiliar with Bob Barr I did a quick Wikipedia search and found the following tidbits:

  • Strong supporter of the War on Drugs stating there is a "constitutional right and responsibility of Congress to pass laws protecting citizens from dangerous and addictive narcotic"
  • Against gay marriage and author of the Defense of Marriage Act preventing the federal government from recognizing gay marriages
  • Supported the Patriot Act because of its sunset causes, but now regrets that decision
Doesn't sound like a Libertarian to me. It will be interesting to hear more about his foreign policy ideas, ideas about the economy and size of federal government, and how he reconciles his past with any current changes in policy positions that would make him more likely to garner a Libertarian vote.

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