I’m not sure what to think about global warming. I’m not sure what source to trust. The general media is useless if you want to find out un-biased reliable data, especially about global warming. The internet is great, but sometimes I’m not familiar with a source and I can’t really trust that they are telling the truth or how they got their data. That being said, I’m going to try and keep an open mind about this subject until I see some good info on both sides.
NASA published something that said “The warmest year on record is now 1934. 1998 (long trumpeted by the media as record-breaking) moves to second place. 1921 takes third. In fact, 5 of the 10 warmest years on record now all occur before World War II." Another source says that 98% of Antarctica has cooled over the last decades and has built up ice pack -- 2% has warmed (in the Antarctic Peninsula).
I don’t think this closes the book on the subject, but even if we are going through global warming I’ve seen no data to convinced me that climate change is being caused by man.
If it is being caused my man made pollution in the form of CO2, I still don’t believe it is a problem on the scale that Gore claims it to be. That is to say, I don’t think we are going to die if we don’t take great steps to change our consumption of natural gas and oil. I don’t think our crops will fail, that CA & FL will be underwater, and that we face other forms of Doom.
So for now I remain a skeptic of global warming and that affects how I view policy in this country. I don’t believe that we should be avoiding oil and natural gas to save our planet. If we want to spend money investing in other sources of energy because oil is so damn expensive or that other forms of energy are cleaner in general, then that is a different subject. I don’t think we should be putting taxes on gas to try and make people drive less and I don’t think we should hinder our businesses either if the reason is they are added to global climate change.
I’m not completely against the global warming eco-friendly movement. It has gotten more people to recycle and be less wasteful and if people or businesses want to do their part on their own to be “more green”, good for them. Also, our country has a role in protecting our eco-system, national forests, and to control pollution in general but most of the global warming laws that keep trying to make their way on the books seem foolish to me.
Hello world!
9 months ago
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